

Thought for the Day

Sathya Sai Baba
Consider your physical body a chariot. Just as the horse is important for the chariot, your mind is the most important thing for your body. What is the point if the chariot is very tastefully decorated and the horse is starved? Today, many of you are caring so much for the body and entirely neglecting the mind. Many have a very good, soft bed and stay in air-conditioned rooms, yet their body feels the heat and the mind is suffering from restlessness, with no peace of mind. Why? You are caring so much for the body and neglecting the mind. Take good care of the mind. If you do so, even if you go to a forest, it will be for-rest! The most appropriate food for your mind are virtues, good feelings, good conduct and good thought. Feed the horse well, the chariot will run! So too, take good care of your mind, you will be happy and peaceful.
- Divine Discourse, 'My Dear Students', Vol 2, Ch 2.
An air conditioner can cool your body. But only grace of God can cool the heated brain and troubled heart. - Baba

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