

Thought for the Day 24th March 2012

The purpose of human life is not to be consumers of food, to be a burden upon the earth, and be an animal that is a slave to the senses. There is no profit in being a horde of idlers and loungers, who shy from hard work, and accumulate fat, growing into monstrous shapes. Nor should one ignore the creator, allowing both intelligence and discrimination to go to waste, without an iota of gratitude to the giver of all the gifts which one consumes and enjoys! The Lord has declared that He is the Pourusha (vitality, adventure and aspiration) in human beings. However strong may be the force of the drag of one’s previous births, it must yield to the strength of adventure and achievement emanating from this Pourusha. Unaware of this potentiality you are misled into cursing your fate and accepting the ‘inescapable’ effects of what you dread as 'Prarabdha' or effects of karma (past actions). Exercise Pourusha and let it be your life breath. Living is struggling, striving, achieving.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 12.
sathya sai baba
Where the qualities of zeal, determination, courage, intelligence, ability and heroism are present, there Divine help manifests. -Baba

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