

Thought for the Day 24th March 2012

The purpose of human life is not to be consumers of food, to be a burden upon the earth, and be an animal that is a slave to the senses. There is no profit in being a horde of idlers and loungers, who shy from hard work, and accumulate fat, growing into monstrous shapes. Nor should one ignore the creator, allowing both intelligence and discrimination to go to waste, without an iota of gratitude to the giver of all the gifts which one consumes and enjoys! The Lord has declared that He is the Pourusha (vitality, adventure and aspiration) in human beings. However strong may be the force of the drag of one’s previous births, it must yield to the strength of adventure and achievement emanating from this Pourusha. Unaware of this potentiality you are misled into cursing your fate and accepting the ‘inescapable’ effects of what you dread as 'Prarabdha' or effects of karma (past actions). Exercise Pourusha and let it be your life breath. Living is struggling, striving, achieving.
- Geetha Vahini, Chap 12.
sathya sai baba
Where the qualities of zeal, determination, courage, intelligence, ability and heroism are present, there Divine help manifests. -Baba

Remembering the Acharya and Expressing our Gratitude

Among the various Mahatmas who have tread our holy land, Sri Adi Shankaracharya reigns supreme. Had not Sri Adi Shankaracharya resuscitated Sanatana Dharma 12 centuries ago, would we even have temples to visit today?

One only needs to look at the achievements in His short life of 32 years to realize that Sri Adi Shankaracharya was an incarnation of the Lord. Rather than taking up weapons and annihilating the personifications of evil, Sri Shankaracharya used the weapon of intellectual inquiry to bring about a transformation in the minds of the masses. All his activities stemmed out of compassion and the desire for well-being of all humanity. His works and travels across the length and breadth of India bring forth the purpose of His mission and how He fulfilled it. One realizes the extent of His foresight when one notes that He established four Peethams along the four directions of the country to carry forward the task of sustaining and propagating Sanatana Dharma.

It is said “ईश्वरानुग्रहादेव पुंसाम् अद्वैतवासना” - The Lord’s Grace is required even for the longing of Advaita to develop in a man. The great Acharya has explained the tenets of the abstruse Upanishadic philosophy of Advaita in His commentaries, Prakaranas (small works) and even Stotras (hymns), and thus made them available for all sincere seekers.

Should we not remain grateful to Him and remember Him always? Gratitude is an essential quality to be developed by all. When one needs to remember even a small help rendered by an ordinary human, what must be said of the gratitude we must have towards an incarnation like Sri Adi Shankaracharya.

As we usher in the Nandana Samvatsara on this Ugadi day, may everyone remember the great Acharya, observe Shankara Jayanti (falling on April 26 this year), express gratitude, direct one’s life as per His teachings and attain Shreyas.

श्रीमते शङ्करार्याय धीमतेऽद्भुतसशक्तये ।
नमोऽस्तु अद्वैतसिद्धान्तस्थापनोपात्तमूर्तये ॥
Salutations to Sri Adi Shankaracharya, endowed with great intellect and amazing powers, and the establisher of the Upanishadic philosophy of Advaita.
Source: Sringeri

Gurudvaya Abhedanusandhanam

Because of his immense achievements and the many similarities of his life with Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Mahaswamiji, the 33rd Jagadguru of Sringeri, is widely considered as the reincarnation of Sri Shankaracharya. On the occasion of the Centenary Celebrations of the rediscovery of Kalady in May 2010, the current Jagadguru Shankaracharya of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham, Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji, composed a Sanskrit hymn comprising of six verses to honor the memory of the Mahaswamiji. These verses illustrate that the Mahaswamiji is the reincarnation of Sri Adi Shankaracharya.
आर्याम्बाशिवगुर्वोश्च लक्ष्म्यम्बारामशास्त्रिणोः।
पुत्रत्वेनावतीर्णो यो धर्मसंरक्षणाय वै ॥ १ ॥

The Jagadguru who incarnated, for protecting Dharma, as the son of Aryamba and Shivaguru (in the form of Adi Shankara) and as the son of Lakshmamma and Rama Shastri (the Mahaswamiji)

अष्टमे हायने यश्च तुर्यमाश्रममग्रहीत्।
प्रस्थानत्रयभाष्यादेर्लेखको द्योतकश्च यः ॥ २ ॥

He who took to Sannyasa at the age of 8 (both Adi Shankaracharya and the Mahaswamiji). He who wrote many works including the commentaries on the Prasthana Traya (Adi Shankaracharya) and He who revealed them all (the Mahaswamiji by getting them published)

शृङ्गेर्यां शारदापीठं स्थापयामास यो महान् ।
अध्यतिष्ठच्च तत्पीठं लोकानुद्धर्तुमेव यः ॥ ३ ॥

He, the great One, who established the Sharada Peetham at Sringeri (Adi Shankaracharya). He, who adorned the same Peetham, for uplifting the masses (the Mahaswamiji).

कालट्यां यो जनिं लेभे यश्च तामुद्दधार ह ।
शृङ्गेर्यां शारदां यश्च स्थापयामास सद्गुरुः ॥ ४ ॥

He who took birth at Kalady (Adi Shankaracharya) and rediscovered it (the Mahaswamiji). He who consecrated Goddess Sharada at Sringeri (Adi Shankaracharya).

तामेव कालटीक्षेत्रे यः पुनः प्रत्यतिष्ठिपत् ।
शङ्करः सच्चिदानन्दशिवाभिनवपूर्वकः ॥ ५ ॥
नृसिंहभारती चेति नामद्वयविराजितम् ।
जगद्गुरुमहं वन्दे लोकानुग्रहदीक्षितम् ॥ ६ ॥

He who consecrated Goddess Sharada at Kalady (the Mahaswamiji). I prostrate to that Jagadguru who has taken a vow to bestow His Blessings to the world, and who revels in 2 names - Adi Shankaracharya and Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati.

Source: Sringeri


Nandana Nama Samvatsara Wishes to you, ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು.


Hari Ohm,
        Wish you a very Happy Sri Nandana Nama Samvatsara Chandramana Yugadi. In this festival I am eager to share some information about the our Hindu System of Time and Nandana Nama Samvatsara Phala.

In this modern time most of the people following English Calendar than Hindu Panchaga. When any festival or any auspicious event to perform one will refer Panchanga or contacts a vedic Astrologer. Modern Students are celebrating English New Year than Yugadi. Our Hindu System of Calendar created by Lord Vishnu. By the grace of God I am happy to share few lines about our ancient System of Time.
The Supreme Maha Vishnu - the omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, creator, protector, destroyer, giver of knowledge, ignorance, bondage and liberation creates Chaturmukha Brahma from his Navel. He then creates the universe manifesting Himself in the four-faced Brahma. The life of a universe is linked to the life span of the Chaturmukha Brahma.

The life span of Brahma is 100 cosmic years (Caturmukha brahmaNaH paramAyurvarShashataM). This quantum is denoted as Para.

1 cosmic year = 360 cosmic days.
1 cosmic day = 28 Manvantaras (14 Manvantaras = day, 14 manvantaras = night).
1 Manvantara = 71 Mahayuga.
1 Mahayuga = 4 Yugas (43 lakh 20 thousand human years)
4 yugas = Krita, Treta, Dvapara, Kali.
Krita Yuga = 17 lakh 28 Thousand human years 17,28,000.
Treta yuga = 12 lakh 96 Thousand human years = 12,96,000.
Dvapara yuga = 8 lakh 64 thousand human years = 8,64,000.
Kaliyuga = 4 lakh 32 thousand human years = 4,32,000

Out of the 100 years of Brahma time 50 years have already elapsed. We are now in
the 51st year of Brahma, first month, first day (kalpa by name Shvetavarahakalpa). In
the day time 13 ghatikas 42 pala have elapsed During this day time of Brahma out of 14 Manvantaras 6 Manvantaras viz., Svayambhuva,Svarochisha,Uttama, Tapasa, Raivata,Chakshusha have elapsed. The 7th Manvantara by the name Vaivasvata manvantara is currently running.

In Vaivasvata manvantara out of 71 Mahayugas, 27 Mahayugas have elapsed. We are currently in the 28th Mahayuga. There too, Krita, Treta, Dvapara Yugas have elapsed and Kaliyuga is in progress.

Krita Yuga : This is the first yuga among the 4 yuga cycle which constitute 1 Maha Yuga. The four legs of the Dharma = Satya, Daya, Tapas and Dana are fully intact in the Krita Yuga. The following are the chief characterstics of this Krita Yuga: Krita yuga duration: 17 lakh 28 thousand human years (17,28,000).
Dharma: Dharma is fully practiced (4 out of 4 parts)
Prana : Asthigata.
Height : 28 hastas.
Life span of humans : 1 lakh years.
Crops : 7 times a year.
Utensils : Made of gold.
Currency: Pearls.
Punya : 20 parts.
Papa : 0. People always speak truth.

Treta Yuga : Treta Yuga is the second among the 4 Yugas which constitute one Maha Yuga. The chief characteristics of this Yuga are as follows

Duration of Treta yuga: 12 lakh 96 Thousand human years (12,96,000).
Dharma: Dharma practiced 3 out of 4 parts.
Prana : Mamsagata.
Height : 14 hastas.
Life span of humans : 10 thousand years.
Crops : 5 times a year.
Utensils : Made of silver.
Currency: Gold.
Punya : 15 parts.
Papa : 5

Dvapara Yuga: Dvapara Yuga is the third among the 4 Yugas which constitute one Maha Yuga. This yuga occupies a significant position in the 4 Yuga cycle as this is the last Yuga in which Bhagavan Vishnu incarnates (that is why he is called Krishnavatara, Vedavyasa Avatara belong to this yuga only. The famous story of Mahabharata also happened during this age.

Dvapara yuga: 8 lakh 64 thousand human years = 8,64,000
Dharma: Dharma practiced 2 out of 4 parts
Pranaa: Raktagata
Height: 7 hastas
Life span of humans: 1 thousand years
Crops : 3 times a year
Utensils : Made of copper
Currency: silver
Punya : 10 parts
Papa : 10 parts

Kali Yuga : Kali Yuga is the last of the 4 Yugas which constitute one Maha Yuga. This  Yuga is also identified by the name Dark Age.The name Kali stems from the fact that in this Yuga happiness will be subdued.

Duration of kali yuga: 4 lakh 32 thousand human years = 4,32,000
Dharma : Dharma practiced 1 out of 4 parts
Prana : annagata (People survive on food and die if food is not partaken)
Height : 3.5 hastas
Life span of humans : 120 years
Crops : 2 times a year
Utensils : Made of mud, iron
Currency: copper
Punya : 5 parts
Papa : 15 parts

Elapsed Kali Yuga years : 5112
Remaining Kali Yuga years : 4,26,888
In this Kali Yuga there are 6 Shaka Kartas
1. Yudhishtira Shaka - 3044 Years
2. Vikrama Shaka - 135 Years
3. Shalivahana Shaka - 18,000 Years,Current Shaka elapsed - 1933. Remaining 16,067.
4. Vijayabhinandana Shaka - 10,000 years
5. Nagarjuna Shaka - 4,00,000 years 6. Kalki Bhoopa Shaka - 821 years.


In Nandana Nama Samvatsara Our entire Country will be peaceful. People in the entire country will lead a healthy and peaceful life.
1.     King - Sukra
Sukra is a benefic planet and Asura Guru. In this year plenty of rain fall will be there. Cows would give plenty of milk.. Due to good Kingdome and genuine people the entire country will be. Rainfall, crops are also good in this year. People in the country will lead a happy and peaceful life.
2.     Minister - Sukra
Sukra is the minister in this year so Crops will grow well and the farmers and the people more comfortable.
3.     Senadhipati - Sukra
Sukra is Senadhipati So rainfall will be comfortable in this year and people will lead a happy life.
4.     Sasyadhipati
a.      Poorva Sasyadhipati - Chandra
Chandra is the Poorva Sasyadhipati So Crops will grow well and the farmers and the people more comfortable in this year.
b.     Para Sasyadhipati - Sukra
Sukra is again para Sasyadhipati So All types of Crops will grow well and people will be benifited.
5.     Dhanyadhipati - Ravi
Ravi is the Dhanyadhipati in this year so un-expected & un-timely rainfall is indicating.
6.     Rasadhipati - Budha
Liquid food items will be more and comfortable in this year.
7.     Nerasadhipati - Chandra
Chandra is the Nerasadhipati So white items, Silver, Clothes will be available more.
8.     Argyadhipati - Sukra
9.     Meghadhipati - Sukra
Argyadhipati & Meghadhipati is Sukra in this year So plently of rain fall in the country and full of crops people will lead a happy and comfortable life.

By the grace of God I’ve developed Sri Nandana Nama Samvatsara Digital Panchanga (BETA). This is an excel file.  With the help of this panchanga you can easily know
·       Tithi, vara, nakshatra, Yoga & Karana
·       Hindu Festivals
·       Match Making (Compatability Checking)
·       Kandaya Phalam
·       Ekadashis
·       Gouri Panchanga.
 This is BETA version. You will get an updated version soon. If you have any Questions, Comments, Suggetions please contact me(VAISWANARA).
Click the below link to download Nandana Nama Samvatsara Digital Panchanga


God given an opportunity to share a little information about Yugadi. Thank you So Much & Happy Ugadi

Source: vaiswanara

Note: This article was Original Posted by,

Vedic Astrology Scholar
Vaiswanara Vedic Astrology Training & Research,
Mantralayam, Kurnool (District),
Andhra Pradesh. I N D I A - 518345

Cell 9491414575


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