

Sri Sathya Sai Baba :SPECIAL MUSING CONCERNING SWAMI’S HEALTH - Must see Video clips

PLEASE WATCH THIS CLIP CAREFULLY. It is extremely relevant to the present situation and tells us more clearly than any human can, what ought to be done.

Swami Speaks about His Body from RadioSai on Vimeo.

Here is the transcript of the above video:

Nobody needs to be worried or anxious about Swami's wellbeing. No danger can ever befall Swami. Swami will always come out of all difficulties and troubles unscathed; none need to fear or feel sorry or sad. Swami will achieve all success. However, there may be some changes at the physical level because of the food, environment, etc. These however are only temporary and not permanent. Hence, Swami expects you to be always courageous.

What is My medicine? The intense prayers of the devotees are My medicine. During this period, be it in Madras (now Chennai), Hyderabad, Bangalore, or Mumbai, devotees have intensified their prayers and spiritual activities. There are bhajans and namasmarana conducted in each and every home. Some devotees undertook penance and performed yajnas. In this manner, a number of spiritual activities were undertaken praying for the wellbeing of Swami. It is as a result of such fervent prayers that I am able to stand before you and address you today.

Neither did I want this suffering nor did I desire its cure. You wanted this body to be cured of the pain, and you achieved it through your prayers. This body is not Mine. It is yours. Hence, it is your responsibility to look after this body. I am not the deha (body); I am the Dehi (Indweller).

The body is made up of five elements
And is bound to perish sooner or later,
But the Indweller has neither birth nor death.

The Indweller has no attachment whatsoever

And is the Eternal Witness.

Truly speaking, the Indweller,
Who is in the form of the Atma,
Is verily God Himself.

                                                  (Telugu Poem)

Doctors made every possible effort to protect this body; they did their duty. I however did not think of this body at all. I demonstrate the ideal that one should not have body attachment. Not only now, for the last two years, I have been repeatedly exhorting you to give up body attachment. Gradually reduce your dehabhimana (body consciousness) and develop Atmabhimana (Atmic consciousness). You are not the body; you are the embodiments of the Atma. The physical body comes and goes. Only the body has suffering, not the Atma.

I have never used My divine power to cure Myself. If I were to use it, I would have been cured of the suffering in a trice. I don't have the selfish feeling that I should get cured. There is not even a trace of selfishness in Me. Everyone should be happy. This is My only desire.

- Extracts from Divine Discourse delivered on July 13, 2003.

Dear reader, Bhagawan has said it all, and there is little else for me to do except to call attention to the words of the Lord, every one of which appears to have been said not only with respect to earlier events, but also in anticipation of the present ones.

Thank you and Jai Sai Ram.

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