A person bound by objective desires will try in various ways to fulfil them. He becomes a slave to his senses and their pursuits. But if he withdraws the senses from the world and gets control over their master, the mind, and engages that mind in Thapas (penance), then he can establish Swa-rajya or Self-mastery or independence over himself. To allow the senses to attach themselves to objects - that is the cause for bondage. When the mind that flows through the senses towards the outer world is turned inwards and is made to contemplate on the Atma, it attains liberation or Moksha.
Thought for the Day - 24th Nov 2010
Hands are not the only limbs or agents that are involved in Karma or human activity. Whatever is done, whatever is seen, whatever is heard, one should be vigilant about its purity. Thought, word and deed must be free from pride, greed and hatred. The words that one utters must be free from these faults. Things that one yearns to hear must be free from these superficially attractive qualities; the pleasures that one seeks must not be polluted by evil. You must first assimilate these mental lessons and demonstrate their effect in your speech. You must translate this lesson taught by words into action.
Thought for the Day - 23rd Nov 2010
It is a matter of great bliss to be loved by many. To win over the hearts of so many is a sign of Divinity. I love everyone and everyone loves Me. Do not hurt anyone by your harsh words and do not enter into any evil paths. Recognise the truth that God pervades everything from microcosm to macrocosm. With Shraddha and Vishwasa (sincerity of purpose and faith) and self-confidence, you can achieve anything in the world. Love God from the depths of your heart. Follow Swami’s commands and you will attain everything and be victorious in all your endeavours!
Thought for the Day - 22nd Nov 2010
Education should be used for promoting the welfare of the nation. Knowledge gained through education should be used selflessly for promoting the welfare of humanity. What we need today are Uttama-purushulu (noble and high-minded men and women). The nation will prosper only when there are such persons with noble minds and hearts. Such persons will emerge in society only when there is purity of mind and morality in society. Only a society with a moral foundation can foster such noble persons. Spirituality is the only means for redemption.
Thought for the Day - 21st Nov 2010
The common man is drawn by external pomp and apparent motives. So he judges the Leelas (Divine sport) as common and even low. The inner meaning and purpose are not easily patent to all. But the Lord can never engage Himself in purposeless and paltry activities. His advent is for the uplift of the world from the morass of wickedness and unrighteousness, for fulfilling the needs of those devoted to Him, for the reestablishment of righteousness and morality, and for the revival of the Vedas. He has to take into account the merit acquired by each in previous lives and shower His grace accordingly. His Leelas or Divine activities are so shaped that they suit the time, the person, the aspiration and the compassion which cause each shower of grace!
Thought for the Day - 20th Nov 2010
For the protection of the world, for upholding Dharma (righteousness), for fulfilling the yearnings of devotees, He wills and assumes a special Form and moves in the world. He confers joy on the devotees by His Divine acts, which convince them of His Advent. They are thus confirmed in their faith and prompted to dedicate their activities to God and thus save themselves, and liberate themselves. On certain occasions, for resolving certain urgent crisis, God has incarnated with Forms embodying only a part of His Divinity, with some Divine powers and potentialities.
Thought for the Day - 19th Nov 2010
From time immemorial, women of Bharat, by their adherence to ideals have bestowed joy on this land and hence occupy an exalted position, which is higher than that of men. Women of such exalted character have set great ideals of womanhood in Bharat. Only if the women come up in society, the whole world will turn sacred. There is nothing in this world that women cannot achieve. Recognising the nature of such women, we must encourage them and give them equal opportunities in society. However, in today's polluted society, there is no encouragement for women to cultivate high ideals. In modern times, the ways of life have become so perverted that only evil thoughts, evil feelings and evil behaviour rule the roost.
Guruji Sri Narendra Babu Sharma Yatra in Karnataka, India.
Guruji Sri Narendra Babu Sharma Yatra in Karnataka:
Guruji is conducting yatra in each District of Karnataka.
For more details Please
Contact : 080-22355469
Note: Call timings:
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Please ask only about Yatra, Dont ask about personal things.
Guruji is conducting yatra in each District of Karnataka.
For more details Please
Contact : 080-22355469
Note: Call timings:
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Please ask only about Yatra, Dont ask about personal things.
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Disclaimer for Label : Guruji Sri Narendra Babu Sharmaji .
posts under this label is teachings by Guruji Sri Narendra Babu Sharma (his program is telecasted in Zee Kannada TV Channel in the title Bruhat Brahmanda)
I too watch the programme telecasted in Zee Kannada TV Channel, wanted to spread the valuable information about hinduism by Guruji to all.
We merely search on INTERNET about the temples and index popular details openly available for anyone.
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Disclaimer for Label : Guruji Sri Narendra Babu Sharmaji .
posts under this label is teachings by Guruji Sri Narendra Babu Sharma (his program is telecasted in Zee Kannada TV Channel in the title Bruhat Brahmanda)
I too watch the programme telecasted in Zee Kannada TV Channel, wanted to spread the valuable information about hinduism by Guruji to all.
We merely search on INTERNET about the temples and index popular details openly available for anyone.
We have used images which seem to appear in the Google search
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Information Contained in this Label has been revealed by Guruji Sri Narendra Babu Sharma. This Blog is not Maintained by Guruji.
**** Author of the blog Shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information.
Vyasa Tirtha Puri absolutely discourages Copyright Violations. It's only engaged in promoting appreciation and understanding of Hinduism around the world and online.
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Thought for the Day - 18th Nov 2010
Every concrete manifestation of God is significant. There can be no higher or lower. The story of each one of them is elevating. Each is a complete manifestation. Listening to their stories may make you feel that one manifestation is grander and more sublime than another. It would appear as if you get more inspiration from one Avatar (Divine incarnation) than another. But all are equally Divine and enigmatic. Every manifestation is suited to the time, the task, the circumstance and the need. Its form is in accordance with the purpose.
Thought for the Day - 17th Nov 2010
‘Bhagavatha’ connotes three sections of knowledge: (1) The glory and majesty of the incarnations of God, (2) The names of those who are fully devoted to God and (3) The intimate relationship between God and the godly. Wherever and whenever these three are found together, there we have the Bhagavatha. All that is visible is not beyond or outside God. To put it succinctly, everything is Bhagavatha!
Thought for the Day
The essence of good qualities, good thoughts, and love should be offered to God as fruits grown by your own Sadhana (spiritual exercise). The world itself will be benefited by an individual who has good conduct. If fire starts on one tree in a forest, that fire will not stop after burning that particular tree. It will spread and burn out the entire forest. In the same manner, if there is one individual who has bad qualities, he will spoil the entire community in addition to ruining himself. On the other hand, if there is a tree which is full of fragrant flowers, it will fill the entire area with good fragrance. In the same manner, if there is an individual with a noble code of conduct, he will not only improve himself but will also improve the entire society around him through his good conduct.
Thought for the Day
The power of Divine Name is unparalleled. People often take it lightly. That is a mistake. One should not mistake a diamond for a shining piece of glass. The real diamond is altogether different. What is that diamond? ‘Die mind’. God’s name is the real diamond. Keep it safe and secure. Do not ever be bothered by pain and suffering, losses and difficulties. They just come and go. That is not your real nature. Your innate Self is strong, eternal and real (Sath). You should not follow the fleeting and unreal, forsaking your own true and eternal nature. Once you seek refuge in the lotus feet of God, you should never give up. Wherever you go, the Divine Feet will protect you. If you install the Divine Name firmly in your heart, your life will become sanctified. It is only for making people realise this truth that the Sadhana (spiritual exercise) of Akhanda Bhajan has been prescribed for devotees at least once in a year.
Thought for the Day
A person driving a car concentrates on the road, for he is anxious to save himself and others from accident. Fear is what induces single-mindedness in this case. Love is a greater force for achieving concentration. If you have steady and resolute love, the concentration becomes intense and unshakable. Faith develops into love and love results in concentration. Prayer begins to yield fruit, under such conditions. Pray using the Name as a symbol of the Lord; pray keeping all the waves of the mind stilled. Pray as the performance of a duty for your very existence, as the only justification for your coming into the world. Hold fast to the Lord. The Bhaktha (devotee) should never retract. Never give way to doubt or despair.
Thought For The Day
Bhajan is very necessary to melt the heart of God. When you do Nagar Sankirtan early in the morning, everybody will get up and listen to the Divine Name. Hearing the name of God as soon as they wake up will fill them with great bliss and enthusiasm. Constantly remember the name of God; never forget it. This is the noblest path. This is true spiritual practice. When you do this, you will be immensely blessed.
Thought For The Day
Surrender does not mean offering your body to God. Real surrender is the chanting of the Divine Name and making it the basis of your life. It is for the same reason that Guru Nanak, the first Guru of the Sikhs, started community singing. He told his followers that they should seek fulfilment in life by chanting the Divine Name. Consider the chanting of the Name of God as the most important spiritual practice. You may spend any amount of money in charity and in doing acts of service, but these practices will give you only temporary mental satisfaction at the most if they are not complemented by the chanting of the Divine Name.
Thought For The Day
Today the country is facing a lot of problems because people are not doing enough Naamasmarana (remembering the divine name). Let each and every street reverberate with the singing of divine glory. Let each and every cell of your body be filled with divine name. Nothing else can give you the bliss, courage and strength that you derive from Naamasmarana. Even if some people make fun of you, do not bother about it. Do Naamasmarana with total concentration and dedication. Do not be afraid of anyone. Sing the glory of God wholeheartedly without any inhibition. Only then can you experience divine bliss.
Thought For The Day
There are many snakes of wicked qualities in the anthill of your heart. When you do Naamasmarana (remembering the divine name) all the ‘snakes’ of bad qualities will come out. Naamasmarana is like the musical wind instrument (Nadaswaram) which attracts snakes and brings them out of anthills. This Nadaswaram is your Jeevanaswaram and Pranaswaram (breath of life). One has to repeat God’s name in order to get rid of evil qualities. Today there are many who do not attach any importance to Naamasmarana. It is a great mistake. In this Age of Kali only chanting of the divine name can redeem your lives. There is no other refuge. Singing the glory of the Lord is highly sacred!
Thought For The Day
The farmer, intent on cultivation, ignores even food and sleep, for he is too busy ploughing, levelling, scattering seeds, watering, weeding, guarding and fostering the crop. He knows that his family will have to subsist on the harvest that he brings home and that if he fritters away the precious season in idle pursuits, his family will be confronted with hunger and ill-health. So, he sets aside or postpones other pursuits and focuses all his attention on farming alone. He puts up with difficulties and deprivations, toils day and night, watches over the growing crops and garners the grain. As a consequence, he is able to spend the months ahead, in peace and joy, with his happy family. Students and spiritual seekers have to learn important lessons from the farmer. The stage of youth is the season for mental and intellectual culture. These years should be intensively and intelligently cultivated; irrespective of difficulties and obstacles. The clamour of the senses has to be silenced; hunger and thirst have to be controlled; the urge to sleep and relax has to be curbed.
Thought For The Day
Do not get elated at the riches, status, authority, intelligence, etc., which you may possess. Consider that they have been given to you on trust, so that you may use it to benefit others. They are all signs of His Grace, opportunities for service, symbols of responsibility. Never seek to exult over others' faults; deal sympathetically with the errors and mistakes of others. Seek the good in others; hear only good tidings about them; do not give ear to scandal. On this Deepavali Day, resolve to light the lamp of Naamasmarana and place it at your doorstep, the lips. Feed it with the oil of devotion; have steadiness as the wick. Let the lamp illumine every minute of your life. The splendour of the Name will drive away darkness from outside you as well as from inside you. You will spread joy and peace among all who come near you.
Thought For The Day
Deepavali has to be observed as a day for getting rid of all the bad qualities in us, symbolised by the demon Narakasura. The inner meaning underlying the festival should be rightly understood. A whole array of lamps is lit by the light from one lamp. That one lamp symbolises the Supreme Effulgent Lord. The others symbolise the light in individual selves. The truth of the Vedic saying, "The One willed to become the many" is exemplified by the lighting of many lamps by the flame of one. Deepavali festival thus bears out the profoundest spiritual truth. The lamp points to another significant fact. Wherever it may be placed, the flame rises upwards only and never moves down. Likewise, the flame of Jnana (Spiritual Wisdom) leads one to a sublime level through the path of Righteousness.
Thought For The Day
Speech is a beautiful instrument that is gifted to man for uplifting himself. Speech is charged with tremendous power. Through the choice of our words, we can communicate to a person something which upsets their balance or shocks them into grief; the words then completely drain off their physical strength and mental courage. They fall on the ground, unable to stand. On the other hand, when through speech, we communicate something happy, or cheer them, they get the strength of an elephant. Words do not cost anything, but they are priceless. So they have to be used with care. They must be employed not for gossip, which is barren, but for pure and productive purposes only. The ancients recommended the vow of silence in order to purify speech of its evils. A mind turned inwards towards an inner vision of God and speech turned towards outer vision, both will promote spiritual strength and success.
Thought For The Day
The One Divine Principle works through many forms in order to manipulate and complete the process Srishti (creation). All forms are fundamentally of the same essence. There is no higher or lower. All are equally divine. When God comes down assuming special form on special occasions for a specific purpose, He is known as Avatar. Each Avatar is born as a consequence of Divine Will and with the purpose of restoring Dharma and moral life.
Thought For The Day
I am immanent in every being. People forget Me, who am within and without them. I am the inner core of every being, but they are not aware of this. So, they are tempted to believe the objective world to be real and true, and they pursue objective pleasures, and fall into grief and pain. On the other hand, if they concentrate all attention on Me alone, believing that the Lord has willed everything and everyone, I bless them and reveal to them the truth that they are I and I am they. Thousands have been blessed thus.
Thought For The Day
The rain falling on the mountain range slides down the sides into many valleys and flows as turbid streams. The same rain falling on fresh water lakes or limpid rivers remains pure and clear. The sages who are cognizant of their Atmic reality are transformed into the purity, equanimity, and charity that it represents. They are ever in the full awareness of the Atma, their inner core. In the purified consciousness of these persons, there is the experience of identification. Likes and dislikes, sense of “I” and “mine”, anxiety and calmness, elation when praised and depression when blamed - these cannot contaminate or agitate a person who has attained that state. These opposites become balanced and are accepted with equanimity as waves on the Atmic consciousness. This is the authentic Atmic attitude, the Brahman inner-look, the unitary vision.
Thought For The Day
Unfortunately, no transformation is taking place in the human beings in spite of repeating the Divine Name several times. You should chant the Divine Name wholeheartedly with full faith. Faith develops love towards God and that love towards God confers Grace. No doubt, people today are repeating the holy name, but not with love and steady faith. They are more concerned with how others are singing and whether their Shruthi (pitch) and Raaga (melody) are in order, etc. They are doing the Naamasankirtana with a wavering mind. There can be no transformation in them by such fickle minded Naamasankirtan in spite of doing it for hours together. Naamasankirtan has to be done with absolute concentration and steady faith like a yogi. It is said “Sathatham Yoginah”. One can achieve great transformation if the mind is steadily fixed on the Divine Name.
Thought For The Day
Fill the reservoir when it rains, so that in times of drought, you can feed the fields. Do intense Sadhana (spiritual exercises) now, when you are young and strong so that you can be in peace and joy for the rest of your life. Make the most profitable use of this present period of your lives. Do not waste the hours in irrelevance and irreverence. Do not indulge in the condemnation of others or in self-condemnation. Let your hearts rejoice, clothed in fresh ideals and feelings and resolutions. Mould your lives into sweet songs of Love.
- BABA |
Bhagavan Veda Vyasa

Vyasa is traditionally known as author of this epic. But he also features as an important character in it. His mother later married the king of Hastinapura, and had two sons. Both sons died without an issue and taking recourse to an ancient practice called Niyoga where a chosen man can father sons with the widow of a person who dies issueless, she requests Vyasa to produce sons on behalf of her dead son Vichitravirya.
Vyasa fathers the princes Dhritarashtra and Pandu by Ambika and Ambalika, the wives of the dead king Vichitravirya. Vyasa told them that they should come alone near him. First did Ambika, but because of shyness and fear she closed her eyes. Vyasa told Satyavati that her child would be blind. Later this child was named Dhritarāshtra. Thus Satyavati sent Ambālika and warned her that she should remain calm. But Ambālika's face became pale because of fear. Vyasa told her that child would suffer from anaemia, and he would not be fit enough to rule the kingdom. Later this child was known as Pāndu. Then Vyasa told Satyavati to send one of them again so that a healthy child can be born. This time Ambika and Ambālika sent a maid in the place of themselves. The maid was quite calm and composed, and she got a healthy child later named as Vidura. While these are his sons, another son Śuka, born of his wife, sage Jābāli's daughter Pinjalā (Vatikā),[5] is considered his true spiritual heir. He was thus the grandfather of both the warring parties of the Mahābhārata, the Kauravas and the Pāndavas. He makes occasional appearances in the story as a spiritual guide to the young princes.
In the first book of the Mahābhārata, it is described that Vyasa asked Ganesha to aid him in writing the text, however Ganesha imposed a condition that he would do so only if Vyasa narrated the story without pause. To which Vyasa then made a counter-condition that Ganesha must understand the verse before he transcribed it.
Thus Lord VedVyas narrated the whole Mahābhārata and all the Upanishads and the 18 Puranas, while Lord Ganesha wrote.
Vyasa is supposed to have meditated and authored the epic by the foothills of the river Beas (Vipasa) in the Punjab region
Source: wikipedia
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